Egypt CSR Forum

Egypt CSR Forum the annual and biggest forum for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.


What are you looking for?

>Ms. Mahira Hassan

About The Speaker

Ms. Mahira Hassan

Mahira Hassan is the CSR Manager of Vodafone Egypt and Secretary General of Vodafone Egypt Foundation. She has been in Vodafone Egypt since 2011 handling different roles in Marketing Communications and Internal Employees Engagement before assuming her latest position in October 2014. With more than 10 years of experience in several roles in Communication, Marketing, Brand and Strategies in multinationals like Exxon Mobile, Motorola and the National Bank of Egypt’s Reform program. Mahira has diverse expertise in designing communication strategies and public outreach programs for international organizations through building brands and magnitude in the community. Mahira holds a Master’s degree in International Marketing from ESLSCA (Ecole Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commercials Appliquées) Business School in Paris and a Bachelor’s of Commerce from Cairo University.