Egypt CSR Forum

Egypt CSR Forum the annual and biggest forum for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.


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>Mike Heathcote

About The Speaker

Mike Heathcote

Mike Heathcote has over 30 years senior management experience including nearly 20 years in international development. His work areas include private sector development, management consulting, advisory work, institutional and capacity development and project management. Mike has worked in 22 donor-funded technical assistance international projects in 12 countries in the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, leading and working in international teams. His experience in international development includes large scale projects funded by the EU, World Bank, EBRD and DFiD. His expertise includes designing, managing and implementing large scale EU Grant Schemes in developing economies (urban and regional development, active labour market measures, private sector development, etc.) Currently Mike is the Head of Fund Management for the GIZ Participatory Development Programme (PDP) in Egypt. He is managing a €24m Grant Fund for upgrading infrastructure, improving the environment and also the livelihoods of target groups living in nine informal areas in Greater Cairo. The Programme includes socio-economic measures targeting improving the skills of the unemployed and job match for employment in sectors where there are vacancies. In addition, the Fund is targeting improvements in health, education, recreation and youth facilities, transportation, waste management and the environment including climate change adaptation. The approach includes needs assessment, feasibility studies, visibility and awareness together with support for project implementation by grant beneficiaries including monitoring and evaluation.